Saturday, 28 June 2014

Cameron needs a war with Europe

Cameron talks about battles and wars when he is talking about his European polices. A shameful and desperate tactic as Cameron is trying to keep focus away from the division in the UK and the serious political problems they need to face.

Cameron is displaying his shortcomings in both UK and EU politics. There is no doubt that Cameron have weakened both the kingdom and especially the British people. Ironically, it seems that Europe and European democracy have grown more united and alot stronger by Cameron's efforts to dismantle the same.

Cameron wanted a war against the people of Europe, he got global humiliation. The betrayal is against the British people.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

I don't want to hear the term "EU gouverments" ever again

I don't want to hear the term "EU gouverments" ever again. Everyone with some common sense can hear how crazy it sound when EU policymaking are discussed. How can the people of Europe identify them self with "gouverments", all with its own agenda? Europe has a agenda of its own that need the people's attention asp...

Sunday, 22 June 2014

What distinguishes the European flag from national flags?

What distinguishes the European flag from national flags?

It is in my opinion, a big symbolic difference.

The national flags represents national unity and even uniformity. It can symbolise historical military victories and in some cases the memory of old empires. Its symbolism is based on a romantic view of national unity and the conservative, "way of things". In a modern liberal democracy, its values ​​don't really exist, because individuals desire for personal freedom and independence don't allow it.

The European flag represents something else, such as reconciliation and transparency between the people of Europe. It symbolises unity in diversity, in the new post-nationalist world order. The flag don't require your 100% loyalty, instead it creates conditions for diversity on both individual level and in a cultural aspect. A unity of democratic values!

The unity and diversity that the European flag represents should be highlighted much more in our society and in such a way that it brings out the meaning of why Europe share this flag.

The best part of Europe's flag is that it never will set against any European national flag, just compliment them.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Eurosceptics, eurocritics and (more?)

For me, the definition of the typical eurosceptic, is a person who oppose any form of political, social and economic integration between European "nation-states" A person thats not willing to see any pragmatic, democratic or economical benefits from integration.
The typical eurosceptic is often found in nationalistic movements and in very romantically, conservative groups where yesterday is more important then tomorrow and institutions are more important then people. Those movements, groups and individuals are blinded by an idea of how things are, instead of how things really are. Often delusionalised that they are above everything that is surrounding their isolated perception on how things are or should be and that there is a threat in everything that is new, different or partly in opposition to their worldview.

As you see, I don't mention criticism towards EU systematics, democracy or politics in my definition at all. Why? To be critical, you must be constructive in your criticism and you must also offer constructive solutions or alternatives to what you are critical about, eurosceptics don't do that at all, according to my definition above.

If you want change and reforms to better things of state, you must search elsewhere.

Then there's the rest, fans of status qou.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

EU politics in Sweden

In the 20 years that have past sense the Swedish EU referendum and Sweden became a member of the European union, a tradition have grown strong among both the major party's and in the media to keep EU politics as far away from the voters as possible.

One would think that this has to do with eurosceptisism but that's not entirely true.

Sweden is in generally a pro-European member-state but a caution member-state. You will never here ideas of great reforms come out of Sweden, but if you listen hard you will here a whisper of acceptance or most likely the very cautiously and moderate "we will wait and see". Oppose to having influence in Europe the politics and the European future.

For the same reason most Swedish political partys lack a clear policy on EU politics and even more so a vision for the future of Europe.

What's the excuse of this democratic negligence? Some could argue that it comes from a long and strong tradition of intergovernmental collaborations in Swedish "foreign" policy. Where every question is handled separately. That's true, but if that's the excuse, there is a fundamental misunderstanding about what the European Union is and should be.

The EU is a union of integration and common values that's uniting Europeans above the diversity of Europe. 

Sweden needs to question it self and its role in Europe as far as politics goes and how politics should be conducted to live up to the tradition of democracy and openness in Sweden.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Migration within the EU isn't a cost, it's a freedom

Freedom of movement is a investment for the individual and for the entire European society. It's a opportunity for people and businesses to grow and expand.
Europe must radically continue forward on the path to create more opportunities and to tear down more hurdles that limits people and businesses from being truly pan-european.
Europe must be very aware of what nationalists and some national gouverments are campaigning for when they want to take Europe back to another time and age. Europe had its walls, we don't want them back in any way or in any form.

What lies behind the successes of right- wing populism and extremism in Europe

What lies behind the successes of right- wing populism and extremism in Europe? The financial crisis is most frequently mentioned as a reason and it is also a likely reason that i'm not in position to question. But are there more explanations and are there examples where it can be argued that the economic crisis isn't the foundation of this populistic rampage across Europe?
In the elections to the European Parliament, the member-states that stand out the most are not the ones that are hit the hardest by recession and austerity. France, Denmark and the UK are 3 of those member-states in which extremism and right-wing populism reached its greatest successes. None of these member-states are among the worst affected by the financial crisis. Denmark and the UK are additionally outside the eurozone, if one would argues that the crisis was a currency crisis. In Sweden, which is a member-state with strong finances and also a member-state outside the eurozone, the far-right populists gets its highest result ever in a public election.
Could the election result and the populist winds that are blowing in Europe be a protest against European integration it self, the EU system or systematics if you will or is it a protest against politicians in general or even a protest against the member-states national governments and their handling of the crisis in Europe? Is it the dream of a united Europe in which people stand united in solidarity that now has been partially ruptured and questioned? Could it just be a cry for help?

The trends are the same across Europe and is therefore a European problem that we must face at a European level.
It requires first and foremost that people can rally and mobilize around something that is exclusively European, like the Parliament and by the Parliament, the appointed president of the Commission. ( Provided its not stopped by EUCO. )
European problems and opportunities must be managed at the European level and with a mandate from the citizens. That is not the case in reality. What looked like it was the EU handling the crisis was actually handled by the affected nation states and their lenders. The EU has, at its best, acted as a moderator and facilitator. ( Listed in order to use the EU as a scapegoat. )
I am convinced that the crisis of confidence between the EU and the voters is the first breeding ground for the election results that we got and the crisis of confidence is rooted in the fact that EU has no mandate of its own to deal with any problem, at the same time as the EU are the perfect scapegoat for national governments.
The European council's intergovernmental negotiations behind closed doors is a hotbed for contempt against both EU and against European politicians. In the member-states, the national leaders from the European Council can emerge as the nation's representatives against opposing forces in other national leaders. When opinion at home are showing displeasure they have there scapegoat.
When voters are kept in the dark at the same time as they feel the consequences of the politics, they get confused and angry. this nourishes all extremism and Europe got its judgment in the election.
Paradoxically, the results show how integrated and depended we are by one another in Europe.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Necessary democratic reform.

The future EU shouldn't be lead by one or several member-states! Democracy and effective governance don't allow that.
Therefore, one of the most important democratic reforms that the union need is to separate the national representation in EU from the national gouverments.
To do this and to get EU democracy in order, EU need a two chamber parliament.
1) Chamber one is the pan-european parliament elected in a pan-european election. The majority elects the EU government.
2) Chamber two is the chamber for national representation ( replaces EUCO ). The members are elected in every state separately from national elections.
Except for getting accountable leaders this means that the European voters finally can get European solutions for European problems. It also means that we can kiss the scapegoat goodbye.