The Britts goes to the polls on May 7. This is a election that may drastically affect Britain's future. The biggest question is whether the election will lead to a referendum regarding Britain's exit from the EU. A exit that most likely would mean a breakup of the UK.
But I'm going to focus on. probably the best known and most exposed politician in the UK, Nigel Farage. The founder and leader of UKIP, United Kingdom independens party.
UKIP is a party that was built around the requirement for Britain to leave the EU. With a populisic rhetoric and buffoon-like approach in debates by party leader Farage, the party has, as so many other European sister parties succeeded in the art to be seen and heard in the media, to a much greater extent than the party's electoral support claims. This applies throughout Europe.
Few EU parliamentarians can historically be compared with how Farage has managed to captivate the media and use the media to get his policies and his person exposed to the voters.
Before and during the 2014 election campaign to the European Parliament the party developed into a clear xenophobic party and the so-called EU migrants tops the list of the party's rhetorical vulnerable groups.
UKIP has a libertarian view on economic policy, which distinguishes them from many other nationalist parties in Europe. But that's where the party's libertarianism ends. UKIP is an ultra-nationalist party with dreams of the old empire. The party's Nationalism overshadows all sense of reality and pragmatism in their policy's.
In an attempt to counter the UKIP, the conservative Tories, like so many other established parties in Europe embraced parts of the UKIP's populism and rhetoric. The result seems to be the same in Britain as it was in Denmark, UKIP becomes strengthened, just like the Danish People's Party was strengthened in Denmark.
The outcome of the 2015 election is more uncertain than it has ever been in the UK. Unholy coalitions can be enforced and the future of the kingdom and its place in Europe and in the world is highly uncertain.