"If you have to cut down on your national agenda in favor of a greater general interest, you always return home as a loser."
What could be more true in European politics today?
Our national leaders are so depended on scoring short term points to get a head in the national polls, that the common good of the people often are neglected or comes, second hand.
How could it come to this? Our union was created for our common good. Not so one could say, I'm the winner.
The author blames the system of intergouvermentalism. I agree!
Intergouvermentalism is a system that long ago got outrunned by the growing European integration. It's a governing system that lost every connection with the citizens and therefore have no accountability.
The crisis that still hunts the people of Europe, have in a scary way made it clear just how inefficient and out of touch this system is.
"The European Union is being eaten away from within. And that is caused by the actual structure of the intergovernmental system."
Once again I agree!
The system creates more division then unity. Us and them mentality, that only creates short term winners and long term losers.
No one could imagine there member state being governed with a similar system for obvious reasons.
"As a result, we now have in the European Union no fewer than four persons who may argue that they are President of the European Union: the President of the European Parliament, the interim President of the European Union, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council. Who could ever create a situation like that? What organization can cope with this?"
This quote says it all!
Can anyone of these presidents be held accountable? Who answers to the people?
We need Europe, Europe needs us, the people!
It's about time that we demand and build a system where the power comes from the people.
So true! What we need is a true Federation in which the people are the Sovereign and they express(exercise) powers of democratic control on both National and European level!
DeleteSo it is. What to do about it? The alternative for the intergovernmental EU is a federal Europe; the following European Federalist Papers deal with that issue. Federalism is an old model of private and public organization, and a simple one. It involves a multi level sovereignty - for Europe the sovereignty of the Member States (and in federal States their federated entities too) and of the Federation as a whole represented by all its citizens. A federation requires therefore at least two features: 1° participation of the European citizens themselves and their direct representatives in the ruling on the federal level and 2° a clear division of competences between the Member States and the European Federation.
ReplyDeleteBest regards,
Herbert Tombeur, co-author EFP.
Power will not come from the people; power will come from an nannycrats who rise to govern as they jostle for leadership, as well as from a supranational leader, that is the Sovereign, and his banking partner, the Seignior, who work within regional framework agreements as they come to govern the Eurozone.
ReplyDeleteThe IMF is showing the way forward, as the centerpiece statement of its position paper More Fiscal Integration to Boost Euro Area Resilience, dated September 25, 2013, calls for better oversight of national policies and enforcement of rules: “Going forward, reinstating fiscal discipline and reviving market discipline may require stronger involvement of the center in national fiscal decisions.”
I relate that out of a soon coming Financial Apocalypse, that is a credit bust, and global financial system breakdown, foretold in Bible prophecy of Revelation 13:3-4, a One Euro Government will rise to provide order; it will be a United States of Europe, with a great democratic deficit.
WSWS reports on German Unity Day, German President Joachim Gauck Calls For A Stronger German Role In World Politics And In The Euro Crisis. “The question is bluntly posed: does our commitment reflect the importance of our country,” he said.
The periphery nations, will exist as hollow moons revolving about planet Brussels and planet Berlin. While Greeks cannot be Germans, all will be living as one, in common debt servitude to centralized task masters, such as Jenz Weidmann, President of the Bundesbank, and Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, as they direct a Eurozone Fiscal Union. She is seen in Facebook Meeting with Pietro De Matteis, co-President of the European Federalist Party; and is seen in Youtube Video Address for a Federal Europe. Of note The Express UK recently reported Fury Erupted Over A Fresh Brussels Plot To Transform The EU Into A Federal Superstate. Justice commissioner Viviane Reding, a European Federalist, communicated the EU should have powers to impose human rights rulings. Her masterplan includes a vision of the European Commission as a “quasi-judicial authority” alongside an EU “justice minister” and powers for Europe’s courts to impose rulings, overriding national governments.
Liberalism featured trust in the world central bankers for investment gain. Now in authoritarianism, specifically out of waves of economic and political turmoil in the Mediterranean Sea nation states of Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain, people will come to trust in the word, will, and way of sovereign regional leaders, that is statist nannycrats, for regional security, stability, and sustainability, as communicated in bible prophecy of Revelation 13:3-4.
Doug Noland of Prudent Bear frequently penned liberalism as the age of wildcat finance; an epoch where bankers of all types fiercely strived to outdo one another to generate the greatest investment results, and where Ben Bernanke fathered credit easing.
But now with Jesus Christ, operating in dispensation, that is the administration of all things economic and political, as presented in Ephesians 1:10, the world has pivoted from liberalism to authoritarianism, where Angela Merkel fathered debt servitude with Greek Bailouts I, and II, and where she in calling for More Europe, laid the groundwork for a soon coming One Euro Government.
Authoritarianism is the age of wildcat governance, where leaders bite, rip and tear one another apart, in their struggle to become top dog leader; these will increasingly rule regionally, in diktat.