For me, the definition of the typical eurosceptic, is a person who oppose any form of political, social and economic integration between European “nation-states” A person thats not willing to see any pragmatic, democratic or economical benefits from integration. The typical eurosceptic is often found in nationalistic movements and in very romantically, conservative groups where yesterday is more important then tomorrow and institutions are more important then people. Those movements, groups and individuals are blinded by an idea of how things are, instead of how things really are. Often delusionalised that they are above everything that is surrounding their isolated perception on how things are or should be and that there is a threat in everything that is new, different or partly in opposition to their worldview.
As you see, I don’t mention criticism towards EU systematics, democracy or politics in my definition at all. Why? To be critical, you must be constructive in your criticism and you must also offer constructive solutions or alternatives to what you are critical about, eurosceptics don’t do that at all, according to my definition above.
If you want change and reforms to better things of state, you must search beyond scepticism.. Then there’s the rest, fans of status qou.
Your definition is matching the profile of an extreme nationalist, remember my friend if you take your thoughts even deeper you will realise that also we, federalists, are also a kind of a eurosceptic as the current establishment in the EU seem to try to keep the status quo rather than take things forward. Don't discount the possibility that in the eurosceptic group are people that are not opposed to European unification but are opposed with the way the EU is functioning today. The extreme groups are using the label "Eurosceptic" to cover their intentions(let things go backwards) giving a bad name to the other members of the group who may just don;t agree with the current way the EU is organised today. On the other hand we have also the others who are using the label "Pro European" with the hidden intention to just preserve the status quo(austerity measures, intergovernmentalism) giving respectfully a bad name to the others who wants to take things forward(a united democratic Europe). The result of all this is one: polarisation, something that we must avoid at all costs because it doen't help noone and all will lose in the process. What is needed to be achieved lies to make the citizens feel proudly and equally both citizens of their country and citizens of Europe, to unite first the people and then the economies. You may say it should have been done a long time ago but it is never too late.